Most of your have noticed that is harder and sometimes impossible to access.
Our server provider informed us we are under a 2.5Gbps UDP flood.
We are taking measures to mitigate the DDoS attack.
Such an issue takes some time to be resolved. Please stay with us while we are improving the situation.
We apologize for that inconvenience.
Bi-24 Administration
Our server provider informed us we are under a 2.5Gbps UDP flood.
We are taking measures to mitigate the DDoS attack. under DDoS attack |
Such an issue takes some time to be resolved. Please stay with us while we are improving the situation.
We apologize for that inconvenience.
Bi-24 Administration
DDOS....hmm for me maybe someone put your website in Autosurf and manual surf. Just my sense...Hope everything go right..Good luck Bi-24